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A class is an object that has properties and methods (its own functions). Here is the syntax for creating a class:

class [class_name] {    init([args]) { [code] } # Optional

Firstly, you can declare the class name to an valid indentifier/variable name. Then, if you want, you can add a init function. This function will be called when the class is created. It's useful for assigning properties to the class. For example, here is a class example using all of those concepts:

class Rectangle {    init(x, y, width, height) {        self.x = x        self.y = y        self.width = width        self.height = height    }
    getArea() {        return self.width * self.height    }}
var rectangle1 = Rectangle(50, 20, 100, 120)print(rectangle1.getArea()) # 12000

The self is a variable that is avaliable to any function inside the class. You can assign properties to it. Lets dive into how thise code works. Firstly, this class has an init function. The init function also has arguments. This means that when declaring a variable to this class, you need to pass in the 4 arguments. As you can see, it is done when declaring the rectangle1 variable. Then, the init function goes and sets the x, y, width, and height properties. After that, theres a getArea method, which returns the width * height.

The init function isn't the only place where you can set and change the self variable. You can also actually run the init function again. Heres an example showing that:

class Cake {    init() {        self.flavor = "Chocolate"    }
    taste() {        print("The " + self.flavor + " cake is delicious!")
        self.flavor = "Red Velvet" # Setting flavor to Red Velvet        print("The " + self.flavor + " cake is delicious!")
        self.init() # Resetting the flavor by rerunning the init func        print("The " + self.flavor + " cake is delicious!")    }}
var cake = Cake()cake.taste()