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For Loop

A for loop is a refactored while loop with a different syntax:

for ([variable]; [condition]; [increment]) {    [code]}

Essentially, it is just a while loop worded differently for readibility. The while loop below does the same as the for loop:

[variable]while ([condition]) {    [code]    [increment]}

The variable can be a variable declaration, or an existing variable. The loop will execute while the condition is true. The increment is executed at the end of each loop. An example of a for loop is:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i += 1) print(i)

This loop will output 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. You can also remove the variable clause if you have a pre existing variable, for example:

var a = 0for (; a < 5; a += 1) print(a)